It's been awhile since my last post, for good reason. In the words of my kid, I've got a new part and I'm doing awesome. My last post was late November chilling on a hospital gurney waiting for a liver, well I was sent home, second time, but they say three's a charm and it was for me. I didn't make any posts because frankly I was in a brain fog and the mere act of typing I found exhausting.
On December 7 I had an appointment with my hepatologist so my mom and I made the trek up to Indie and were back home by 6:30. My cell rang that night with a blocked call at 12:35, it was Indie, well, we were back in the car by 1, in the Hospital by 3 and I was prepped and rolling into the O.R. about 9:30. It seemed like I closed and opened my eyes and it was over, I was in a different room, soft lighting, my brother was there looking like an angel as nurses and other medical types where pulling hoses from my mouth and who knows where else. I spent 20 days in the hospital and now recovering in Cincinnati with two visits a week up to Indie to have the docs look at me.
Every day my energy level is a bit better so I'll be back to posting again on a regular basis, I've attached a photo of the incision, be forwarned, it isn't pretty.
Lastly, if you're a prayer sayer or good thought thinker please take a minute and send something out to the donor and his/her family. All donors for that matter, they're sacrafice will allow me and thousands of others a second chance. If you're not a donor, please consider it, you can't take it with you.
Liver Serum Man