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This is a story detailing my battle with Liver Disease and the events the got me here. It is a story of hope and determination and inspiration.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

One Year Later

Wow... weee.... Creeping up on a year and still wondering what the fuck just happened. I'm blesses, confused and swimming up in an eddy, catching my breath on what a lucky bastard I am. Nearly to the date it was a year ago that I went under the knife, mu old liver, since described as a rotting dried out gourd was pulled from my body and replaced with a younger, stronger, much more riper gourd that could do the job it needed to do. Bascially, detoxing me body. Unforuntetly, part of the detox was trying to get rid of the hep c, hvc, and it couldn't happen. A new liver is a new lease on life, not quite the mortgage and down payment. Maybe, if I'm lucky, another 10-13 years, if I'm not, less. But.... I am blessed so I'm expecting another 20 minium. Sorry to the folks that live with and around me, interact with me on a daily basis. But I suspect I will be a pain in your arse for a wee bit longer. Happily. A lot has happened, in the last 12 minonths... lame but true.... so much.. December 8th... My liverversary. a year ago. I don't think about it much really. Just pray pretty much every day, giving thatnks. My favorite pray..... ThankyouwhoeverthefuckYOUare.... my second most favorist is the hail mary, archaic, beautiful, poetic. Everything so many prayers in The Catholic Church have to offer... this is so much the opposite. I love the virg and whether she is real or not, she, her idea, ideal, idol and icons helped me through the fire i got walk through. Waiting for the liver I sort of thought was the hardest part. It really wasn't that hard. I didn't have the strength to make it hard. I hurt. My body was pretty much in constant pain. So, I really didn't have to dwell on when it would stop. I knew it wouldnt. Until the end. New organ or worm fodder. It was easy. "Shit.... Will I feel better to mary.... ""hopehopepraypray"" nope, chances are I'll feel worse. Things were easy once that thought was accepted. I have more to share and don't know where to start or end. I'll just say as my Liverversary creeps neary, I'll do more praying, allow myself to be intrespective, hopefully more forgiving, but I will always be seeing my cup half full if not over flowing. I'm one luck mother fuckers and always have been. Good Bless and writeat you later. Liverserum


  1. Nice to hear from you again, Rob. We're very pleased the new liver is doing so well for you. You've had quite a journey, physically, emotionally, spiritually. And you are healing in all three. Congrats.
    The Bob Fathman in Dublin, OH

  2. Happy Liverversary! So thankful, relieved, excited, and hopeful for you. Looking forward to more of your writing in 2013.
